The next update to Plague Inc. is now live on iOS! With this mutation comes three brand new official scenarios, each one bringing fresh challenges for Plague Inc. players to delve into.

Mad Cow Disease
Panic over BSE almost shut down the beef industry in the 1990s. Imports were banned and burgers were off the menu until humanity got things under control. Recently though, unforeseen protein folding has resulted in a new variant of the prion - putting the whole food chain at risk. Is now the time to go vegetarian?
While making this scenario we had to really think hard about what the world would look like if there was a re-emergence of the infamous 1990s outbreak. We naturally took the research and ran with it, though, so expect a few surprises!
Where Is Everyone?
Almost everybody in the world has mysteriously vanished and nobody knows why. The Rapture? Mass abductions? Spontaneous combustion? Who knows?! Luckily though, the few thousand people left behind are carrying on as normal. How will your outbreak spread when there are so few people left to infect?
We were surprised at how tricky this scenario is to win. With fewer people around it’s much easier to spot a disease as it spreads throughout the population.
Flight Club
Huge leaps in aviation technology have seen humanity unlock the true potential of suborbital flight on a commercial basis. In this future world you can get from London to Sydney in two hours for a fraction of the cost, and every country in the world has an airport. How many air miles can you get?
Does the idea of Greenland getting a major airport excite you? If so this is the scenario for you!

You can download this update on iOS right now, and it’ll be coming to Android very soon (watch this space!).
Start spreading the infections and be sure to share your inspired new plague names with us over on Twitter and Facebook!
Enjoy and stay healthy,
If you haven’t already, you can pick up Plague Inc. on:
iOS, Android, PC, PS4 and Xbox One