In March 2020, we donated $250,000 to the WHO and CEPI to help fight COVID-19. At the same time, we saw tens of millions of players use Plague Inc. to try and help understand more about pandemics. So, with the help of world health experts from all over the world including the WHO, CEPI and GOARN, we set out to make Plague Inc: The Cure - our biggest expansion ever which lets players simulate a global disease response.
The Cure was released in November 2020 and in order to make sure that as many people as possible were able to learn from it - we said that the expansion would be free for all Plague Inc. players until COVID-19 is under control.
Now, almost two years later, following an incredible vaccination effort, governments around the world have switched their focus to managing and controlling COVID-19 - allowing people to start moving back to normality.
Therefore, I’m very pleased to say that Plague Inc: The Cure will stop being free (feels strange saying this!) on the 1st July.
Thank you to all the tens of millions of people who have played it so far - we are proud to have been able to do our bit to help everyone understand and fight the pandemics. We have lots of plans for more expansions and game content - both for Plague Inc and Plague Inc: The Cure so get ready!
So what's happening?
On July 1st - if you want to play Plague Inc: The Cure, you will need to own The Cure expansion on mobile, or the Plague Inc: The Cure DLC on Steam, Xbox, Playstation or Switch.
I already brought Plague Inc: The Cure on mobile - what will happen?
If you already paid money for Plague Inc: The Cure on mobile - thank you for supporting us. You are ahead of the game and nothing will change for you. You will still be able to play it and will get new updates for Plague Inc: The Cure in the future.
But I played everything in The Cure on mobile. Can I keep it?
Thanks for playing and it seems you made the most of the trial! But to continue playing, you will need to purchase The Cure expansion on mobile.
I already own the DLC on Steam, Xbox, Playstation or Switch. Do I need to buy it again?
Steam and console players who already own the DLC will get to keep the DLC free of charge.
I own Plague Inc. on multiple platforms - do I need to purchase The Cure DLC multiple times?
Apple, Google, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are separate platforms. Purchases can not be transferred between them we're afraid.
How much will the Cure Expansion / the Plague Inc: The Cure DLC cost?
This will varying depending your currency, please check in-game on iOS or Android's purchase options for Cure Expansion IAP, or the Steam Page for the DLC price.
Why are you charging for it?
Plague Inc: The Cure was our biggest expansion ever. It is practically a whole new game within Plague Inc.. It was only free initially because we wanted to help inform people and we didn’t feel comfortable selling it during a global pandemic. We appreciate everyone enjoyed the trial but it is important for us to charge for content so development of future projects can be supported. Hope you understand!
But I didn't get to play it for free!
It’s free until the 1st July so now is your chance. We wanted to give everyone enough notice to be able to give it a try now. Also - if you get it on Steam and console whilst it is free, you will own it forever!