Can you believe that it’s been five and a half years since Plague Inc. first launched? It’s been such an incredible half decade, and I couldn't be more proud of what we’ve achieved over that time. Some of the statistics this year have been mind blowing - I couldn't have imagined the game attaining such heights when I first set out to make it.
2017 has been especially busy for us. From a hectic well organised office relocation - which saw new members join the team - to a plethora of Plague Inc. updates, patches, content drops and launches - we have all been working flat out at Office Zero. As I do every year, I’ve got a whole load of key milestones to dispense:
- Over 100 million players have now been infected with Plague Inc. worldwide! That’s 1.3% of the world population!
- Plague inc. remains (for the sixth year running) one of the most popular paid apps on iOS (ranked 4th in the USA for 2017)
- Plague Inc: The Board Game has sold through two production runs since hitting retail - people are picking copies up faster than we can make them (third production run coming soon!)
- We were recognised by the Sunday Times as one of the top 100 fastest growing Exporting companies in the UK (94th to be exact!)
- Fun fact - Players have wiped out earth 1,530,597,131 times, infecting 13,535,648,426,642,177,590 people in the process (as of October 2017)!
Thank you everyone that's played our games for making this all possible!

This year saw the launch of our Mad Cow Disease Update, with three all new scenarios to play through.
Notable events of 2017
- We launched the Scenario Creator for mobile, enabling iOS and Android players to craft and share their own sickly scenarios
- After its wildly successful Kickstarter (over 1000% funded!), Plague Inc: The Board Game arrived at retail. It’s since sold out twice (and we’re already working on a third production run!)
- The vampiric Shadow Plague Update launched on Xbox One and PS4 - as a free update!
- We ran a Board Game themed Scenario Creator competition, which saw some really creative entrants flex their brain muscles - check out the winners here
- I wrote up a huge vivisection of our Plague Inc: The Board Game Kickstarter, which shared our key lessons from running a kickstarter
- Plague Inc. celebrated its fifth birthday by smashing through the 100 million player milestone!
- We released Mutation 15 - The Mad Cow Disease Update, bringing three new scenarios with it, including ‘Where Is Everyone?’ And ‘Flight Club’
- Ndemic Creations was named one of the top 100 fastest growing Exporting companies in the UK (94th to be exact!) by the Sunday Times.
- We also picked up an Award for Small Business Of The Year from South West Insider
- Donald Trump topped the most popular disease names chosen by players in 2017, with Brexit another notable one for the second year in row.

Plans for 2018
Ndemic continues to run rampant, with plenty of exciting projects on the horizon. Here’s a sneak peek:
- A third production run of Plague Inc: The Board Game is already underway - we’ve loads of ideas for future expansions as well *nudge-nudge, wink-wink*
- We’re still working on Plague Inc., and have already got the next major update in progress (with more all new content!)
- Ndemic is hiring! We’re looking for a Senior Developer and a Senior Game Designer to help work on brand new things. Speaking of which...
- Mega top secret other stuff! (Sorry we can’t reveal more right now but keep an ear to the ground for more news soon!)
As always, you can be the first to hear about all these things by following us on Facebook/Twitter, or signing up to our mailing list below.
Stay healthy and have a wonderful 2018!
James and the whole Ndemic Creations team